The Planning and Monitoring Responsibility Act (PMRA) 2016 establishes five National Development Frameworks to guide socioeconomic development in the country.
These provide for the planning, budgeting, service delivery, monitoring and evaluation, and coordination of, development programs in the country. These frameworks support the implementation of the medium to long term development plans of the country. These frameworks are:
1. National Planning Framework
The National Planning Framework provides a clear development path and direction for the Government. PNG’s severeign independence and its development aspirations are envisioned in the National Constitution. This is also expressed in the aspirational goal set out in Vision 2050, the PNG Development Strategic Plan 2010 to 2030 and other development frameworks, and its international commitments to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
2. National Budget Framework
The National Budget Framework provides the policy structure to guide the formulation of the annual National Budget to implement the MTDP. This framework specifically links the Capital Investment Budget and MTDP to help achieve the development targets and goals.
3. National Service Delivery Framework
Ensuring that National minimum service standards are adhered to by all levels of Government is an important legislative requirement of the National Service Delivery Framework. This framework guides the design, programming, implementation and measurement of minimum services delivery for all levels of government.
4. Monitoring and Evaluation Framework
Measuring the performance of service delivery at National, Provincial and District levels requires an efficient and effective Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (MEF). The MTDP MEF aims to achieve two things:
i) Monitoring the implementation of public investment projects against their initial design and ensuring there is value for money, and “return on investment”
ii) Measuring the impact of the programs implemented under the MTDP IV and against the identified development of indicators.
5. Development Cooperation Framework
Forging strategic partnerships is important for the Government to deliver on its development plans. The Development Cooperation Partnership Framework provides guidance to the Government of PNG in engaging in cooperation with our DPs so as to align their support to the Government’s development initiatives expressed in the MTDP IV.
© 2025 Medium Term Development Plan IV 2023-2027 — Developed by DICT